Engineering – Personal Statement Week
工程學系 – 個人陳述介紹週
工程學係是其中一門非常難考入的主科,往往需要學生在公開試表現出眾、擁有相關的學術體驗與課外活動、以及一份能令學生脫穎而出的Personal Statement。但怎樣才能把你的興趣與成就寫成一篇有把握的Personal Statement?
UNIKEY Academy 為你們精心準備了富資訊性的個人陳述資訊週,當中包括線上講座、一對一針對性諮詢、以及自我陳述的講解。希望為令你們對英國工程學系申請擁有最全面的了解。
Students applying for Engineering in top universities are required to have outstanding grades, top-notch admissions test performance and an attractive and cohesive Personal Statement. Want to know how you should consolidate your past experiences and Engineering insights into an attractive Personal Statement?
UNIKEY will be hosting an Engineering Personal Statement Week which includes a webinar and a 1-to-1 personalised guidance on Personal Statement. Want to know everything about applying for Engineering and how to get offers from top universities?