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Past event

Engineering – Information Week
工程學系 – 升學咨詢週


UNIKEY Academy 為你們精心準備了富資訊性的升學諮詢週,當中包括線上講座、一對一針對性諮詢、以及自我陳述和推薦信的講解。希望為令你們對英國工程學系申請擁有最全面的了解。


Engineering is widely known to be a professional degree that creates chartered engineers. However, completing an engineering degree also creates plenty of career options in business, finance as well as other developing industries such as biotechnology and data analysis. Planning your career means starting with the degree that fits your long term goals. Learn about the different engineering specialities and the admissions strategies to get into top universities. 

UNIKEY will be hosting an Engineering Information Week which includes a webinar and a 1-to-1 personalised guidance on Personal Statement and Reference Letter. Want to know everything about applying for Engineering and how to get offers from top universities?


Event Details

Date :24 July, 2021Time :11:00 – 12:00Location :ZoomPresented by: Mr. Christopher Yeung, Imperial College London, Chemical Engineering (MSc), La Salle CollegeFee :Free


日期 :24/07/2021時間 :11:00 – 12:00地點 :Zoom主講:Mr. Christopher Yeung, Imperial College London, Chemical Engineering (MSc), La Salle College費用 :全免

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